Paragons Dev Diary #3
Paragons Development Diary #3
Hello friends and supporters,
We hope you had a great end to your 2022.
As we start off what is looking to be an incredible 2023, we've been making huge strides towards completing Paragons: Age of Champions. All of us here at Authocracy Studios would like to thank you all for your support and patience. We simply cannot wait to show you what we've been cooking up.
Speaking of which, we've got a couple of important updates for you to start the year off, so let's get started!
2023 is going to be a big year for Paragons. We've known that for a while, but recent developments have cemented that fact.
Much of the development so far has been focused on the Greater and Lesser Neutral Mercenaries, and we've been holding the three Paragons and their class-specific powers and abilities close to our chests.
But as of the new year - as we enter the latter stages of development and the beta begins - the focus turns to the Paragons themselves and their current iterations.
The Warrior, the Mage, and the Ranger.
Without giving too much away, each Paragon has been designed with role-playing in mind, but are also their own distinct characters within the Paragons setting of Elysia.
We hold storytelling very close to our hearts here at Authocracy, so it is safe to say that story will play a key part in future Paragons content in the very near future. The world of Elysia is huge, vibrant, and filled with intricate lore. Just what exactly the Paragons are, and what their function is within Elysia will be revealed soon, but for now let's see what's ready to show.
First, we have Titan - the Warrior Paragon.
Titan is a force of nature: a brute of immense size and strength. This is exemplified in his range of offensive powers centered around overwhelming his opponents with sheer force.
Titan himself is a complex character with a fearsome backstory, and one we're very excited to share.
Next up is Morgaine, the Mage Paragon...
Morgaine is a character with a fascinating history that stretches to the core of Elysia itself. Her mastery of magic is reflected in her powerful set of spells and abilities that manipulate the battlefield.
Morgaine is a very powerful character in the right hands.
Lastly, we have Aegis, the Ranger Paragon.
f there was ever a being that personified "never let them know your next move," it would be Aegis. He is a trickster at heart, and a master strategist in the hands of the patient. If played well, he will know he's defeated you before you even do.
Aegis' character is fascinating to build out, and we can't wait to show him off more as the year progresses.
And that is a small hint at who these Paragons are.
Question: which is your favorite so far? Which Paragon do you like the most? Let us know in the comments down below or via our Community Discord.
We can proudly announce that all the neutral cards (both lesser and greater) have been completed! This game truly is a phenomenal work of art, and we're so excited to bring it to you in the coming months.
Sidenote: we'd love to have you join us on our Discord server. We post all new card art there first, so be sure to come and join us if you want to get first-access or just want to chat to us about the game. We're always happy to answer any and all questions.
Anyway, without further ado, here are the new cards for this dev diary! Enjoy.
First up, the Cloud of Bees!
A Cloud of Bees
Most critters tend to avoid battlefields, but NOT THE BEES! NOT THE BEEES!
The Ardent Squire
Every Paragon needs a Squire that is sworn to carry their burdens - even if they moan about it at every opportunity.
Not-So-Cute Fairies
These pesty pixies get everywhere and refuse to stay caged.
The Storm Elemental
It went straight for the enemy general? How shocking…
Basic Armaments
Low level gear can be effective if your stats are through the roof!
Great Archmagus
A wizard should know better!
The Highland Beastie
Despite its derpy appearance, the Highland Beastie is a powerful ally.
The Font of Power
A mysterious source of energy within the world of Elysia, the Font of Power is a location we’re looking forward to unpacking.
We display every new card reveal to our Community Discord first, so if you want to get first eyes on all new Paragons card art, then come and join our community. We'd love to have you there.
And that is all from us for this New Year development diary. Once again, thank you all for your patience as we forge the best game possible and cement Paragons' bright future.
Speak soon,
The Authocracy Team