Joseph Pierce Joseph Pierce

The Liberator

The Liberator

The Legendary Airship

Officially a “Sunder Class Heavy Cruiser,” The Liberator airship is practically a museum. 

The ship has been in service since the last crusade, which was nearly three hundred years ago. It’s seen a dozen captains over its service. Most recently, Captain Alia Rychist who helped steal the ship from storage and right from under the Prophetess’ nose.

Due to the Prophetess’ tight grip on airships across Ruin, The Liberator is one of few remaining free ships in the sky. It is bristling with cannons on its topdeck and gundeck as well as turngun emplacements on the balloon platform. Its size affords it a small complement of dragonfly heavy fighters as well. 

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Joseph Pierce Joseph Pierce

Alia Rychist

Alia Rychist

Captain of the Liberator

Alia is not the first captain the Liberator has had. She carries on a tradition of leading the old ship like her captain before her. Alia has a fiery temper, but it rarely rears its ugly head.
Most of the time, she can be found barking orders around the ship and helping out in the boiler room.

A mechanic by trade, Alia much prefers time spent repairing an engine or tinkering with a piece of clockwork equipment. She’s a confident and (usually) kind leader, but in hard times, she struggles against the desire to return to a simpler life as a mechanic. There are so many awakened still trapped in the grip of the Prophetess’ control however, and Alia is on a mission to free them all.

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Joseph Pierce Joseph Pierce

Henry the Clockwork Man


The Clockwork Man

Henry is the ship’s quartermaster, gossip and self-styled warrior. Never has a more gregarious… and more annoying soul graced the decks of The Liberator. When the storm is bleakest or the fire is hottest, Henry is there to cheerfully charge into it. 

Don’t let his happy go lucky demeanor fool you though. As a clockwork man, Henry possesses incredible prowess in battle. When the fight is dire, Henry will jump in, blades in hand, and eviscerate anyone foolish enough to stick around. 

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Joseph Pierce Joseph Pierce

Harol the Deckhand

Harol the Deckhand

Deckhand aboard the Liberator

If Harol can communicate a sentence without actually saying a word, he will. As the lead deckhand, this interesting personality trait can prove to be frustrating for those beneath him… at first. But, where he lacks communication skills, he excels in his ability to fix almost anything.

Alia, also a lover of all things mechanical, is perhaps a little jealous of this small squat man’s prowess around an engine. The two have developed a very good working relationship. Usually, Alia doesn’t even need to point out the problem that needs fixing, because Harol was already down in the bowels of the ship fixing it two days ago, before it had the chance to break.

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Joseph Pierce Joseph Pierce

Jim the Izalatan

Jim the Izalatan


Jim is, much like thousands of others who travel the wastes, a “free trader.” These traders ferry goods across the trade lanes in landships, caravans, and on foot…when things get desperate enough. It’s a dangerous lifestyle and can either make or break a person. In Jim’s case, it’s the latter. 

A series of poor deals as well as a suahim lizard attack have left Jim without even enough water to survive the days long trip to Solitude. When you are a free trader, every day is a roll of the dice. Jim didn’t just roll a 1… he lost the dice entirely. 

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